Complete List of React-Lang Components

NOTE: This is just the compiled output. To see the JSX code used to construct
these elements, please see src/test.js. To see the current progress and what
JavaScript features I've yet to implement, see the checklist in

Program Components Program: "use helloWorld"; 3; Literal Components RegExp: /lo+l/g Null: null String: "Hello world" Number: 5 Boolean: false Identifier Components Identifier: helloWorld PrivateName: ReferenceError: unknown node of type "PrivateName" with constructor "Object" at Generator.print (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:270:13) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:56:10) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:47:40) at exports.default (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:8:14) at render (lib/index.js:148:39) at testElement (lib/test.js:73:37) at Object. (lib/test.js:129:1) Generated AST for PrivateName: { "type": "PrivateName", "loc": null, "id": { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "helloIlluminati" } } Statement Components ExpressionStatement: 3; Block: { "use helloWorld"; 3; } Empty: ; Debugger: debugger; With: with (World) sayHello(); Return: return 3; Label: codeLocation: debugger; Break: break codeLocation; Continue: continue codeLocation; If: if (3) helloWorld();else goodbyeWorld(); Switch: switch (number) { case 3: debugger; default: debugger; } Case: case 3: debugger; Default: default: debugger; Throw: throw 3; Catch: catch (error) { debugger; } Try: try { null(helloWorld); } catch (error) { debugger; } finally { debugger; } While: while (3) sayHello(); DoWhile: do sayHello(); while (3); For: for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) sayHello(); ForIn: for (index in [3, 4, 5]) sayHello(index); ForOf: for await (number of [3, 4, 5]) sayHello(number); Declaration Components FunctionDeclaration: async function* helloWorld([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } VariableDeclaration: const greeting, initializedGreeting = "Hello world!"; Empty VariableDeclarator: greeting VariableDeclarator: greeting = "Hello world!" Expression Components Super: super Import: import ThisExpression: this Block ArrowFunction: async ([hello, world, object]) => { debugger; } Expression ArrowFunction: async ([hello, world, object]) => hello(world, "What's up world?") Yield: yield* 3 Await: await 3 ArrayExpression: [3, 4, 5] ObjectExpression: { hello, @greetable [hello]: world, @greetable set async [hello]([hello, world, object]) { debugger; }, ...toExtend } Shorthand ObjectProperty: hello Computed ObjectProperty: @greetable [hello]: world ObjectMethod: @greetable set async [hello]([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } FunctionExpression: async function* helloWorld([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } Unary: +3 Update: helloWorld-- Binary: 3 === 4 AssignmentExpression: helloWorld >>>= 4 Logical: 3 || 4 Spread: ...toExtend Member: world?.[getHelloPropertyName()] Bind: world::sayHello Conditional: 3 ? 4 : 5 Call: hello?.(world, "What's up world?") New: new Hello(world, "What's up world?") Sequence: 3, 4, 5 Do: do { if (condition) 3;else 4; } TemplateLiteral Components TemplateLiteral: `One plus two is ${1 + 2}.` TaggedTemplate: String.soRawASkilledVetCouldStillSaveIt`One plus two is ${1 + 2}.` TemplateElement: These require information about their parents to generate, and therefore cannot be tested individually. Pattern Components AssignmentProperty: @greetable [hello]: ObjectPattern: { @greetable [hello]:, ...helloWorld } ArrayPattern: [hello, world,,,,, object] RestElement: ...helloWorld AssignmentPattern: helloWorld = 4 Miscellaneous Components Decorator: @helloWorld Directive: "use helloWorld"; Class Components ClassBody: { @greetable *constructor([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } @greetable static get async [helloWorld]([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } static [hello] = world; } Constructor ClassMethod: @greetable *constructor([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } ClassMethod: @greetable static get async getMethodName()([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } ClassPrivateMethod: ReferenceError: unknown node of type "ClassPrivateMethod" with constructor "Object" at Generator.print (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:270:13) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:56:10) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:47:40) at exports.default (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:8:14) at render (lib/index.js:148:39) at testElement (lib/test.js:73:37) at Object. (lib/test.js:320:1) Generated AST for ClassPrivateMethod: { "type": "ClassPrivateMethod", "loc": { "type": "BlockStatement", "loc": null, "body": [ { "type": "DebuggerStatement", "loc": null } ], "directives": [] }, "id": null, "params": [ { "type": "ArrayPattern", "loc": null, "elements": [ { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "hello" }, { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "world" }, { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "object" } ] } ], "body": { "type": "BlockStatement", "loc": null, "body": [ { "type": "DebuggerStatement", "loc": null } ], "directives": [] }, "generator": true, "async": true, "key": { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "helloWorld" }, "kind": "get", "static": true, "decorators": [ { "type": "Decorator", "loc": null, "expression": { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "greetable" } } ] } ClassProperty: static [hello] = world; ClassPrivateProperty: ReferenceError: unknown node of type "PrivateName" with constructor "Object" at Generator.print (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:270:13) at Generator.ClassProperty (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/generators/classes.js:108:10) at node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:292:23 at Buffer.withSource (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/buffer.js:168:28) at Generator.withSource (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:164:15) at Generator.print (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:291:10) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/printer.js:56:10) at Generator.generate (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:47:40) at exports.default (node_modules/babel-generator/lib/index.js:8:14) at render (lib/index.js:148:39) Generated AST for ClassPrivateProperty: { "type": "ClassProperty", "loc": null, "key": { "type": "PrivateName", "loc": null, "id": { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "hello" } }, "value": { "type": "Identifier", "loc": null, "name": "world" }, "static": true } ClassDeclaration: @greetable class Greeter extends AbstractGreeter { @greetable *constructor([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } @greetable static get async [helloWorld]([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } static [hello] = world; } ClassExpression: @greetable class Greeter extends AbstractGreeter { @greetable *constructor([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } @greetable static get async [helloWorld]([hello, world, object]) { debugger; } static [hello] = world; } MetaProperty: Special Components Functional Element: "Hello Linda! Yo! Hello Bob!" ParsedElement: const babel = react = { awesome: true }; Selective ParsedElement: react = { awesome: true }